Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Trishagni(Sand Strom) Hindi -1998

Based on the story by sardindu bandopadhyaya. Saripur is a desert town located in central asia.In this town, 2000 years before, lived two monks. Pithumitta(Alok Nath) and Uchanda(Nana Patekar). Pithumitta is the older one and uchanda is the younger one.

One day a big sand storm comes and the whole village sinks under the sand.Pitumita and uchanda escape the sand storm. When they come out of the monastery after the storm.Nobody is alive in the village except for two kids. They name the boy, Nirvan(End) and the girl, Ethi(Beginning).

After 20 years, Ethi(Pallavi joshi) and Nirvan(Nitish Baradwaj) are fully grown.Uchanda is disturbed by the young and beautiful ethi.Ethi falls in love with nirvan.Uchanda's mind becomes filled with Lust and jealousy. He tries to separate both of them.He makes nirvan a monk.And tells him that he should not have any relation with women. What happens to the lovers and uchanda is the rest of the movie.

Four characters in a desert monastery and two of them are monks, can there be a story to tell. Yes, you cannot escape from the human drama. Even though the monks renounce everything and are trying to lead a life without any needs, one of them fails and falls prey for jealousy and lust.There starts the drama and everybody is sucked into it.The movie throws some basic questions.What are the religious rules for, if it does not want two people to fall in love. Wasn't love supposed to be the basis for all the religious rules?.
Cast and Credit:
Alok Nath - Pithumitta
Nana Patekar - Uchanda
Nitish Baradwaj - Nirvan
Pallavi Joshi - Ethi

The movie has only four characters.I felt Nana Patekar was a wrong choice to play the monk role.He looked like an usual villain in saffron robe.

The movie is directed by Nabendu Gosh.Even though he has been in the industry for a long time, this was his debut movie as a director and he won the national award for Best first time director at an young age of 79 :)
Music is by salil choudhary.There is one mesmerizing song in the movie called”aisa lage” by Asha Bonsle.A beautiful song well composed by salil choudhary.
1988 Indira Gandhi Award For The Best First Film Of A Director
There is a nude scene in the movie.
Nabendu Gosh
Young man of 90