Thursday, August 10, 2006
Morning Raaga

The movie is mediocre at best.It has a story that can be guessed in first 5 mins and performance are very average by everybody including shabana.The only saving grace is Lillette Dubey.shabana tries very hard to do the alapanaas, even though she is pronouncing the swaras right, it is very obvious that she is trying hard.
The only good thing about the movie is its music.Very few films has done this kind of fusion music before.With some of the big guns of carnatic music doing the singing the songs are a beautiful blend of east and west.The movie goes to a fitting climax with a beautiful fusion song.The song is Oothukkaadu Venkatasubbaiyyar's "Thaye yasodha".It is rendered as a duet with Sudha Raghunathan singing it in tamil and Ranjani Ramakrishnan in english.The music is also a beautiful blend of western orchestration and carnatic violin interludes. Music is by Mani sharma and Amit Heri.

The movie is directed by Mahesh Dattaniās and rajiv Menon is the reason behind the good cinematography of the movie.