Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Saath Saath -1982

Saathsaath is a different love story. A love story that does not stop with lovers walking into sunset.It also talks about what happens after they walk into the sunset.
Gitanjali Gupta(Deepti Naval) joins a new college.she comes across Avinash(Farooq Shaikh) a socialist and a part time writer.They both fall in love with each other.They get married against the wishes of there parents and start there own life. What happens to them, do they succeed or not is the rest of the story.
A simple love story told in a beautiful way. It does not go through the usual route of depicting lot of drama about the couple's economic struggle. It is more from a personal level, the differences that creeps up between them and how two people who lived in a dream world face the real world. It is very realistic and to the point.
The movie has the beautiful pair of farooq and deepthi naval. Apart from them there are other familiar faces. A.K. Hangal is deepthi's father and Sudha Chopra is a professor at college.Satish Shah,Rakesh Bedi,Kiran Vairale and Neena gupta are friends at college.
Music is another great highlight of the movie.Music director is jagjit singh.who has composed some very good songs for this movie, including the awesome "Thum ko dekha" by javed akhthar.
listen to the songs here

In 1980, Jagjit agreed to sing Javed Akhtar's poetry for a low-budget film, "Saath Saath", without bothering for financial rewards. Raman Kumar, the director, could not spend much at the recording studio, but Jagjit footed the bills. A similar movie venture, "Arth", in the same year saw Jagjit and Chitra Singh's popularity climb higher and higher. Even now, "Arth" and "Saath Saath" are one of HMV's highest selling combination cassettes ever.more

javed akthar website
profile of javed akthar